
PHP ext-intl is required on layer 8.3

ArabAgile opened this issue · 1 comments


I am using 8.3 layer ${bref:layer.php-83}, and I got the below error when intl is required by some libraries:

The "intl" PHP extension is required to use the [currency] method. (View: /var/task/vendor/filament/tables/resources/views/columns/text-column.blade.php) (View:

in composer.json I have

 "require": {
        "bref/bref": "^2.1",
        "bref/extra-php-extensions": "^1.4",
        "filament/filament": "^3.2",

I can't see ext-intl as extension for this package. Any idea why? When will be added?

My bad, intl extension is available , but needs to be enabled on customzed php.ini as mentioned here