
The algorithm for detect UPP

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Detech logo

Detech Algorithm

The Detech web app for image pre-processing and machine learning.

The app is composed by an API module written in Go and a Core Module written in Python. The API module contains all the URL endpoints that call the scripts in the Core Module.

We first perform a pre-processing of the images, i.e., file name changing, alignments, flips, registering. Then, for the machine learning we use a Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network for training and testing.

The frontend template was created using Vue.js, and makes the calls to the API endpoints via jQuery ajax methods.


  • Core Module: Image processing and Machine Learning backend written in Python.
  • API Module: controllers that make calls to the core module functions via bash shell. This module is written in Go.

API Module

Go's main function, which contains Iris web framework initialization.

Mapped routes:

app.Get("/", func(c context.Context)
Registers the initial view template.

app.Post("/upload-folder", func(c context.Context)
Receives a local folder location and copies all the contained photos with the detechPhoto format in a new folder called UPLOAD_FOLDER. It also executes the core/create_workspace.sh command, which calls the core/detechToTags.py.

Contains the implementation of our custom sorting function in Go. We create a ByDetechTag type, which is just an alias for the builtin []string type. We implement sort.Interface - Len, Less, and Swap - on our type so we can use the sort package’s generic Sort function. Len and Swap will usually be similar across types and Less will hold the actual custom sorting logic.

func (s ByDetechTag) Len() int
Returns the length of an array of strings.

func (s ByDetechTag) Swap(i, j int)
Swaps the position in array of two strings.

func (s ByDetechTag) Less(i, j int) bool
Compares alphabetically two string in position i and j. Both strings need to have the 'detech' tag in their name.

Extends API by defining routes to be called by the frontend.

Mapped routes:

app.Get("/i/delete_all", func(c context.Context)

app.Get("/i/names", func(c context.Context)
Reads all the files in WORKSPACE_FOLDER, sorts them by file name and prints them.

app.Get("/i/{name}", func(c context.Context)
Downloads the file with the specified name in the URL, from the WORKSPACE_FOLDER folder.

app.Get("/i/registration", func(c context.Context)
Executes the bash script core/register_workspace.sh and passes two arguments: WORKSPACE_FOLDER as input, and REGISTRATION_FOLDER as output.

app.Get("/i/reg/{name}", func(c context.Context)
Downloads the file with the specified name in the URL, from the REGISTRATION_FOLDER folder.

app.Get("/i/mean", func(c context.Context)
Executes the bash script core/get_mean_image.sh and passes the REGISTRATION_FOLDER as argument. The method returns a JSON object with the name of the last image from the output.

app.Get("/i/crop", func(c context.Context)
Executes the bash script core/cropping_workspace.sh and passes three parameters: REGISTRATION_FOLDER, CROPPED_FOLDER, and pads. Returns a JSON object with the output of the script.

app.Get("/i/crop/{name}", func(c context.Context)
Downloads the file with the specified name in the URL, from the CROPPED_FOLDER folder.

app.Get("/i/diffs", func(c context.Context)
Executes the bash script core/apply_diff.sh and passes three parameters CROPPED_FOLDER, DIFFS_FOLDER, and params. Then, it reads all the files from DIFFS_FOLDER and sorts them by file name. Returns the list of file names sorted.

app.Get("/i/diffs/names", func(c context.Context)
Reads all the files in DIFFS_FOLDER, sorts them by file name and prints them.

app.Get("/i/diffs/{name}", func(c context.Context)
Downloads the file with the specified name in the URL, from the DIFFS_FOLDER folder.

app.Get("/i/diffs/clean", func(c context.Context)
Deletes the DIFFS_FOLDER and recreates it.

Core Module

Bash files

These files execute the Python scripts.

  • create_workspace.sh
    Executes the Python script core/detechToTags.py with two parameters: --input and --output.

  • apply_diff.sh
    Executes the Python script core/apply_diffs.py with three parameters: --input, --output, and --params.

  • cropping_workspace.sh
    Executes the Python script core/cutting.py with three parameters: --input, --output, and --pads.

  • get_mean_image.sh
    Executes the Python script core/mean_image.py with one parameter: --input.

  • register_workspace.sh
    Executes the Python script core/registrationOfImages.py with two parameters: --input and --output.

Python primary scripts

  • detechToTags.py
    Renames detech nomenclature files with a specific format for making them easier to process. Copies the renamed files in the output_path, which is the WORKSPACE_FOLDER as specified in the main.gofile.

    The function receives two parameters:

    • input_path: UPLOAD_FOLDER.
    • output_path: WORKSPACE_FOLDER.
     def detech2tags(input_path, output_path):

    Each photo is taken with the camera gun device at 8cm, 10cm or 12cm of distance to skin.

     dist = ['8', '10', '12']
     hand = 'a'
     num = (filesp[j][1]-filesp[0][1]).seconds
     w = 0.
     if num!=0:
     	w = num/totalSeconds
     fname = 'img'+str(filesp[j][0])+'_'+hand+'_'+dist[m]+'_'+str(w).replace('.', 'd') + '.jpg'

    Here, we specify the hand type ('a' for the affected hand, and 'b' for the unaffected one). Then, we calculate a weight for each photo based on the seconds transcurred from the beginning to the capture of the photo.

    Finally, we rename each file to obtain a name in the form: img101_pt3_a_8_0d638547712242.jpg

  • apply_diffs.py
    Substracts photos to find differences. This allows us to get the evolution of the dermal ulcer.

    The script receives three arguments:

    • --input: the input folder, CROPPED_FOLDER.
    • --output: the output folder, DIFFS_FOLDER.
    • --params: the parameter for difference mode passed by user as URL parameter. By default it passes the side and type values defined in the Vue data object from the templates/index.html file.

    The difference extraction is performed by the folderDiffsExtract function, which is defined in the diffs_and_threshold.py file.

  • cutting.py
    Crops photos using the pads parameter. The processed images are saved in the output folder: CROPPED_FOLDER.

    The script receives three arguments:

    • --input: the input folder, REGISTRATION_FOLDER .
    • --output: the output folder, CROPPED_FOLDER .
    • --pads: the pads for bounding passed by user as a comma-separated URL parameter.
  • mean_image.py
    Calls the function calculateTheMostNearImageToMeanImage from the file images_operations.py and passes the inputFolder as parameter. Then prints the image received from this function.

  • registrationOfImages.py
    Applies a rigid registration to all the photos in the input folder. This registration is performed in relation with the closest image to the mean image.

    For each file in the input folder executes the RigidRegistration(...) function from the core/registro1.py script:

     protoImg = reg.RigidRegistration(inputFolder+nameOfMediumImage, inputFolder+f, 'correlation', 'grad-desc')

Python secondary scripts

  • diffs_and_threshold.py
    Contains the function folderDiffsExtract(...), which iterates over the files in the input folder and separates the images based on whether they belong to a or b hand. Then calculates the difference between the a image and the b image.
    In case tsub == 'ab' we substract image 2 from image 1. In the other case (tsub == 'ba') we substract image 1 from image 2.

     if tsub[0] == 'ab':
         diff = ImageChops.difference(img1, img2)
         finalWeight = im1Weight - im2Weight
     else: # or if tsub == 'ba'
         diff = ImageChops.difference(img2, img1)
         finalWeight = im2Weight - im1Weight

    We then assign a formatted file name, including the distance of the camera (8cm, 10cm or 12cm), and save the diff file in the output folder.

     name = 'img' + str(j) + '_d8_' + str(finalWeight).replace('.', 'd') + '.jpg'
     diff.save(outputFolder + name)

    If the tsub parameter is equal to 't' the images difference are calculated taking two images at a time from the same hand (whether 'a' or 'b').

  • images_operations.py
    Contains functions that process images.

    • checkIfIsAorB(file)
      Returns a or b depending on the file name.

    • calculateMediumImageOfFolder(folderPath)
      Uses numpy library to calculate the medium image of a folder. This is done by converting each image to an array, summing them all and dividing by the number of images.

      In order to correctly calculate the sum and difference of the images, we first need to make the necessary flips and transformations.

       for f in files:
           if checkIfIsAorB(f) == 'a':
               readyImages.append(np.asarray(Image.open(folderPath + f)))
               img = ImageOps.flip(Image.open(folderPath + f))
               img = ImageOps.mirror(img)
    • calculateTheMostNearImageToMeanImage(folder)
      Calculates the error of each image in the folder in comparison with the mean image. It returns the image processed as array, as well as the original file.

    • flipAllBTypeImagesFromFolder(folder, typeFlip)
      Flips all b images from the folder received as parameter. Dependding on the typeFlip parameter, it can perform a flip, a mirror or both operations.

  • registro1.py
    Contains the function for Rigid Registration. This function receives parameters for customizing the behavior of the registration algorithm.

  • registro2.py
    Contains the function for applying a B-Spline Registration. This functions receives two parameters:

    • imagen1: the fixed image.
    • imagen2: the moving image.
  • detech_data.py
    Contains a DetechDataset class with its defined functions. This class works with the testOut folder, which contains the images in a numpy format.

  • bidir_rnn.py Contains the definition of a Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network algorithm used for training and testing using data from the DetechDataset object.



Run the following script for downloading and installing packages and dependencies.

$ go get github.com/bregydoc/detech/detechAlgorithm

Get into the downloaded folder and run the main.go file.

cd detechAlgorithm
go run main.go


  • In all the scripts, we consider 'a' as the affected hand, and 'b' as the unaffected one.
  • Each photo is taken with the camera gun device at 8cm, 10cm or 12cm of distance to skin.

