
Add support for "4-Digit Display (D4056A) by Catalex"

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have bought LED-Displays with TM1637, Brand "4-Digit Display (D4056A) by Catalex". It seems, with your library displaying floats fails:
display.print("abcd"); works fine
display.print(82.123,0); works fine. It is shown: "82 "
display.print(82.123,1); dont work. It is shown: "_0 "

By chance I noticed, that the provider has its own library. Look here:

If possible and permissible I suggest, expanding your arduino-tm1637 library for these displays to. It would be great!


Sorry for my late reply. I already started to make the library much more modular, eventually it should support any seven segment display (at least that's the plan). Hopefully I can find some time to work on the library for a couple days the coming weeks to finish this. I will order the display you mentioned for testing.

For the time being, you could probably work around most issues using some of the advanced or low level methods.