
Not treating float numbers correctly

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello. I was stydying your library to see if I could adapt it to work with TM1637 modules with decimal dot and I've found out it does not handle well floats.

For example.
If I print -1 (as int) the display shows correctly -1
If I print "-1" (as string) the display shows correctly -1
But if I print -1.0 (as float) the display shows -_0

Something similar happens with positive numbers. 1.0 prints as _0

I'm looking at the Print.cpp file and at your library but I yet have to figure out where the error is. But there's definitely an error.

Anyway, thanks for this amazing library. I hope to improve it for decimal dots but first I have to undestand it!! haha

It looks that the problem comes from the way you implemented the write functions. In one write function you use the buffer _rawBuffer but in the others you don't. So when the Print function mixes both write functions, this problems arise.

For example:


Prints "hola" on the display.



prints "hoa". Because the string function does not stores the printed chars on _rawBuffer and does not increment the cursor.

Hi @Chinoforest thanks for looking in to this problem! You are more then welcome to make a pull request. Always too much things to do with too little time. I will try to solve this issue when I find some time to improve the library. In the meantime, perhaps I should add some current limitation to the README, there are a couple more things which don't work the way I like.