
Zip extraction causing index out of range. [Unzipping with password issue]

Opened this issue · 3 comments

fz3hra commented

Hello everyone, I am actually receiving some data which is in base64 format from the backend.

However when zipping then unzipping the file which consists of decoded base64, I am unable to bypass the decodeBytes as it throws me an error of index out of range.

When downloaded to windows, it can be opened without any issue by using the password.

This is where the error occurs:
archive =
ZipDecoder().decodeBytes(bytes, verify: true, password: zipPassword);

I am using archive version: 3.3.7with flutter sdk version 3.3.0

Can anyone please help me find a way around this?

Thank you so much
cc. @brendan-duncan

error with stack:

I/flutter (30210): Error occurred while extracting the zip file: Invalid argument(s): 4294967366
I/flutter (30210): Stack trace: #0 List.[] (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart:264:36)
I/flutter (30210): #1 InputStream.readUint32
I/flutter (30210): #2 new ZipFile
I/flutter (30210): #3 new ZipFileHeader
I/flutter (30210): #4 new
I/flutter (30210): #5 ZipDecoder.decodeBuffer
I/flutter (30210): #6 ZipDecoder.decodeBytes
I/flutter (30210): #7 TestFileExtraction.extractFilesToDirectory

mudlee commented

I experience the same problem as of today with the same versions.

My code:

final archive = ZipDecoder().decodeBuffer(InputFileStream(zip.path!), password: password);


[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: RangeError: Value not in range: -15326
#0      _rangeCheck (dart:typed_data-patch/typed_data_patch.dart:5231:5)
#1      _ByteBuffer.asUint8List (dart:typed_data-patch/typed_data_patch.dart:1936:5)
#2      new Uint8List.view (dart:typed_data:883:19)
#3      OutputStream.subset (package:archive/src/util/output_stream.dart:170:22)
#4      Inflate._decodeHuffman (package:archive/src/zlib/inflate.dart:319:34)
#5      Inflate._parseFixedHuffmanBlock (package:archive/src/zlib/inflate.dart:214:12)
#6      Inflate._parseBlock (package:archive/src/zlib/inflate.dart:119:13)
#7      Inflate._inflate (package:archive/src/zlib/inflate.dart:91:12)
fz3hra commented

@mudlee were u able to find a work about please?

I have the same issue.

It works fine with archive 3.3.2
It fails with archive 3.3.3

So you may use version archive 3.3.2 if you need to unzip encrypted files.