
JPG lost GPS Info after encoder

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello every, I find a problem that I can not solve it.
I have a folder, all files in this folder are JPG.
I encode this folder to a .zip file, there are my codes:

List list = dataDir.listSync();
int length = list.length;
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
final element = list[index];
await encoder.addFile(File(element.path),null,ZipFileEncoder.STORE);
onZipping!(element.path, false, ((index+1) * 1.0 / length) * 100);

But I unzip .zip file ,I find all JPG files lost GPS info.
before zip
after zip

My device is an UAV controller, It's an Android 11 OS
Is there someone could help me, thanks a lot.

I solved the problem.
I need request the accessMediaLocation first.