
`ArchiveFile.rawContent` is null when decoded from an Archive

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This test passes on 3.3.2 but fails on >=3.3.3:

final Archive archive = Archive()
  ..addFile(ArchiveFile('AndroidManifest.xml', 100,  List<int>.filled(100, 0)));

final File apk = fileSystem.file('test.apk')

final Archive decodedArchive = ZipDecoder().decodeBytes(apk.readAsBytesSync());
for (final ArchiveFile archiveFile in decodedArchive.files) {
  expect(archiveFile.rawContent, isNotNull);
  expect(archiveFile.rawContent!.length, 6);

During decodeBytes zf is a ZipFile.

final file = ArchiveFile(
zf.filename, zf.uncompressedSize!, zf, zf.compressionMethod);

Which is a FileContent, and _rawContent is not set. Which means the decoded ArchiveFile.rawContent is unexpectedly null.

} else if (content is FileContent) {
_content = content;

I would instead expect the ArchiveFile.rawContent at this point to be the same as the ZipFile.rawContent:

dynamic get rawContent {
if (_content != null) {
return _content;
return _rawContent;

Looks like it was caused around 3dd6a05

Context is I'm trying to bump the Flutter command line tool from 3.3.2 to >=3.5.0, higher than the security advisory fixes, and past when pointycastle was removed flutter/flutter#149427 (comment). I'm open to suggestions for workarounds:

Thanks for the report, I'll get whatever is going wrong fixed.

I am working on a 4.0 branch, I'll make sure whatever gets fixed is applied to that too.

I pushed a fix to the main branch. I'll work on a release publish shortly.

Thanks for the quick response!

Published to 3.6.1. I added a test based on your example, so I'm assuming it's good now.

Published to 3.6.1. I added a test based on your example, so I'm assuming it's good now.

It worked, thank you! Feel free to close.