
Add strict mode

clickingbuttons opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently invalid syntax will silently fail. I'd like an error returned or an exception thrown instead of the results up until the invalid syntax.


import wgsl_reflect from "@feng3d/wgsl_reflect";
const { WgslReflect } = wgsl_reflect;

const reflect = new WgslReflect(`
const valid_not_skipped: u32 = 0u;
some invalid syntax;
const valid_but_skipped: u32 = 0u;
_WgslReflect2 {
  structs: [],
  overrides: [],
  uniforms: [],
  storages: [],
  textures: [],
  samplers: [],
  functions: [],
  aliases: [],
  ast: [
    Const {
      name: 'valid_not_skipped',
      type: [Type],
      storage: '',
      access: '',
      value: [LiteralExpr],
      attributes: null
  entry: EntryFunctions { vertex: [], fragment: [], compute: [] }

I'll look into adding better error exceptions.

For me, I just compile with WebGPU, if it fails then don't call wgsl_reflect.