
Build error with `aeson-` and GHC 8.0.2

Closed this issue · 3 comments

src/Network/Google/Data/JSON.hs:67:19: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘HashMap Text Value’
                     with ‘Data.Aeson.KeyMap.KeyMap Value’
      Expected type: HashMap Text Value -> Parser a
        Actual type: Object -> Parser a
    • In the expression: parseJSON . Object
      In an equation for ‘parseJSONObject’:
          parseJSONObject = parseJSON . Object
cabal: Failed to build gogol-core-0.5.0 (which is required by gogol-0.5.0).


As a Hackage trustee, I have created revisions for gogol-core-0.4.0 and gogol-core-0.5.0 that add upper bounds on aeson:

For the migration to aeson-2, you may find some advice in haskell/aeson#881.

Thanks, this is now fixed on main.