
Help with Env/HasScope stuff

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So I'm trying to run all the MonadGoogle functions I've created, but I get the following error when I try to run everything using runResourceT . runGoogle (storeEnv :: Env '[AuthDatastore])

/Users/rune/IdeaProjects/paychan-datastore/src/Test.hs:40:62: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘Network.Google.Auth.Scope.HasScope'
                             '[AuthDatastore] (Scopes BeginTransactionResponse)’
                     with ‘'True’
        arising from a use of ‘testDB’
    • In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘testDB pid tstData’
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        runResourceT . runGoogle (env :: Env '[AuthDatastore])
        $ testDB pid tstData
      In the expression:
        do { putStrLn $ "Using project: " ++ cs pid;
             env <- defaultAppDatastoreEnv;
             tstData <- genTestData numPayments;
             runResourceT . runGoogle (env :: Env '[AuthDatastore])
             $ testDB pid tstData }

Relevant snippet (error appears at testDB pid tstData in runPaymentTest - line 40 in this file):

type AuthDatastore = ""

runPaymentTest :: ProjectId -> Word -> IO Int
runPaymentTest pid numPayments = do
    putStrLn $ "Using project: " ++ cs pid
    storeEnv <- defaultAppDatastoreEnv
    tstData  <- genTestData numPayments
    -- Run
    runResourceT . runGoogle (storeEnv :: Env '[AuthDatastore]) $
        -- ERROR: "Couldn't match type
        --    HasScope' '[AuthDatastore] (Scopes BeginTransactionResponse)’ with ‘'True’"
        testDB pid tstData

testDB :: ( MonadCatch m
          , MonadGoogle '[AuthDatastore] m
          ,    HasScope '[AuthDatastore] BeginTransactionResponse
          ,    HasScope '[AuthDatastore] LookupResponse
          ,    HasScope '[AuthDatastore] RollbackResponse
          ,    HasScope '[AuthDatastore] CommitResponse )
       => ProjectId -> Pay.ChannelPairResult -> m Int
testDB pid Pay.ChannelPairResult{..} = do
    let sampleRecvChan = Pay.recvChan resInitPair
        sampleKey = Pay.getSenderPubKey sampleRecvChan
        paymentList = reverse $ init resPayList
    DB.insertChan pid sampleRecvChan
    -- Safe lookup + update/rollback
    res <- M.forM paymentList (doPayment pid sampleKey)
    return $ length res

defaultAppDatastoreEnv :: IO (Env '[AuthDatastore])
defaultAppDatastoreEnv = do
    manager <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.tlsManagerSettings
    logger <- Google.newLogger Google.Error stderr
    Google.newEnv <&>
        (envLogger .~ logger) .
        (envScopes .~ datastoreScope) .
        (envManager .~ manager)

Relevant snippet from gogol-datastore:

instance GoogleRequest ProjectsBeginTransaction where

Alright, I figured it out. I should be referencing the Project types (eg. ProjectsBeginTransaction), rather than the response types (BeginTransaction).

It finally compiles. Hooray!