
A way to disable Auth (for use with emulators)?

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I'm trying to use gogol-datastore with the Datastore Emulator, for local testing a debugging. I can't find any definitive information on it, but I assume this emulator just ignores OAuth headers, but I'm unable to test, since I can't figure out a way to run requests while ignoring authentication.

What's the right way to run requests against an emulator, auth-wise?

For some reasons it was possible with version 0.1 and isn't possible since 0.1.1 :(

In 0.1 I just set datastoreService & serviceHost .~ "localhost" and my test cases ran against an emulator. This isn't the case anymore. I'm using 0.1.1

Hmm, that should continue to work @MaxDaten - is there any error raised in 0.1.1? The serviceHost is directly passed to http-client as the field.

Hi @brendanhay, I will provide an minimal example with 0.1.1 as soon as possible. A second problem occurred with the logging level, even with Trace no request was dumped. More details in the follow up.

Edit: I switched to 0.2.0 in my current project, and my test cases worked again. Tested against the emulator and the google service. I will still provide the minimal example for the version in lts-8.5