
authorized_user token is not refresh correctly

Closed this issue · 1 comments

yuanw commented

First of all, thank all contributors for this great lib!

I am learning Haskell, so bear with me. I encountered TokenRefreshError (Status {statusCode = 400, statusMessage = "Bad Request"}) "Failure refreshing token from" Nothing, when I try bigquery project list.

code looks like

example :: IO BigQuery.ProjectList
example = do
    lgr  <- Google.newLogger Google.Debug stdout
    m <- liftIO (newManager tlsManagerSettings) :: IO Manager
    c <- Google.getApplicationDefault m

    env  <- Google.newEnvWith c lgr m <&>
          (Google.envLogger .~ lgr)
        . (Google.envScopes .~ BigQuery.bigQueryScope)

    runResourceT . Google.runGoogle env $ Google.send BigQuery.projectsList

main :: IO ()
main = do
    projects <- example
    print projects

i am using authorized_user type credential generated by gcloud auth application-default login, i verified the credential is loaded and it is FromUser, but the refresh endpoint got invoked is

[Client Request] {
  host      =
  secure    = True
  method    = POST
  timeout   = ResponseTimeoutDefault
  redirects = 10
  path      = /o/oauth2/v2/auth
  query     = 
  headers   = content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

but the correct endpoint should be accord to this.

i found there is tokenRequest and accountsRequest functions, it seems tokenRequest should be the right one for authorized user token, and exchange is invoking tokenRequest. So I cannot find where is the problem. (I tried on two MacOs machines)

yuanw commented

I think the problem is fixed in c841a76#diff-8ee6dcddaf2c1febb920b27bc6427891.

I should update my stack to use a later version