
How to use objectsList?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to use .

However, I can't seem to use the stream that results from using download (objectsList "bucket"). The result has type Rs (MediaDownload ObjectsList), however, when I do :info MediaDownload in ghci I only see the following type instances for Rs:

type instance Rs (MediaDownload ObjectsUpdate) = Stream
  	-- Defined in ‘Network.Google.Resource.Storage.Objects.Update’
type instance Rs (MediaDownload ObjectsGet) = Stream
  	-- Defined in ‘Network.Google.Resource.Storage.Objects.Get’
type instance Rs (MediaDownload ObjectsCopy) = Stream
  	-- Defined in ‘Network.Google.Resource.Storage.Objects.Copy’
type instance Rs (MediaDownload ObjectsCompose) = Stream
  	-- Defined in ‘Network.Google.Resource.Storage.Objects.Compose’

Perhaps it is not intended to be used with download. It'd be great if the docs for it specified what it was intended to be used with. Thanks!

Nevermind, figured it out! It's send. Would be nice to document, but closing this anyway.