
Not working for certain users

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On two different think pads user is shown as unknown but only for certain users.

Hello, @kacastorp! Can you please send more info about this two think pads? Which OS and version do they run? Is this new installations or old ones?

Yes sure. They are both X240s one with AMD and one with Intel. Both run up to date Fedora 37. There are six users and for no obvious reason one user is shown as unknown although in user management the users are there with the names. I had creadted the users in comand line.

I found now, that the username only works for user with user ID 01

I think that the problem might be on the user creation/configuration.

Looking at our extension and how it grabs the user name, it uses a function to look up for the user name content located at /etc/passwd file. If in this file the field containing the user name is empty, then the function will return Unknown.

I'll put this info on README in the beginning of the next year (like... the next week ๐Ÿ˜…) to be more clear about the extension default behaviour.

So, I recommend you to look at your /etc/passwd and check if the users that are returning Unknown from this extension have the field for the real name of the user (like in the picture below):

Tell me if this helps you.

Sometimes linux has its mysteries hehe.

I'm really happy for you and for the compliment :)

As I mentioned, I'll put this info as soon as possible and, when I do, I'll close this issue.