
Update to phantomjs 2.0

LorenzGardner opened this issue · 8 comments

Please consider pulling in the latest stable phantomjs.

Workaround: One could use the path option to specify a diff phantomJs than the one pulled down by npm.

The latest version of the phantomjs package (1.9.16) does currently get pulled in, but it looks like that package hasn't yet been updated to install phantom 2.

Related issue: Medium/phantomjs#288


On ubuntu Ubuntu 14.10 i was able to use :
No problems so far!

It looks like phantomjs v2 still has some issues. I'd rather just defer to the judgement of Medium/phantomjs's maintainers and wait until they move to a v2 release.

In the meantime the workaround mentioned by LorenzGardner should work fine for anyone who needs to use v2 and I'll update the readme to mention it.

For anyone following along: you can use phantomjs2 by npm installing phantomjs2 and then passing this to webshot:

phantomPath: require('phantomjs2').path

Are there any plans to move to or give the option of using slimerjs? It seems to be much more stable in terms of output reliability of screenshots than phantomjs (I'm getting renderings of all types of various "sizes" as presented by the remote end under phantomjs)

It looks like this is now fixed with commit ecc3917