Cannot add position uniqueness index
bzwei opened this issue · 17 comments
In order to fight against the duplicated position issue the document suggests to add position uniqueness index. However this constraint forbids the position being updated. Positions are adjusted in the after_update method updated_positions
. Specifically it fixes duplicates when they are found in
In my test this updated_positions
has no chance to be called because the uniqueness constraints already raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique Exception: PG::UniqueViolation
Hi @bzwei, I'm not sure I understand you. Are you able to raise a PR with a failing test case to show the problem? :)
@brendon If I add a migration in my app like
def change
add_index :workflows, [:position, :tenant_id], unique: true
In the model class I force sequential updates
class Workflow < ApplicationRecord
acts_as_list :scope => [:tenant_id], :sequential_updates => true
I can no longer update the position, getting error ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique Exception: PG::UniqueViolation.
I have a rspec test
around(:each) do |example|
ActsAsTenant.with_tenant(tenant) { }
before { create_list(:workflow, 5) }
it 'moves up a workflow position' do
old_ids = Workflow.pluck(:id)
Workflow.find(old_ids[3]).update(:position => Workflow.find(old_ids[1]).position)
expect(Workflow.pluck(:id)).to eq([old_ids[0], old_ids[3], old_ids[1], old_ids[2], old_ids[4]])
it 'moves down a workflow position' do
old_ids = Workflow.pluck(:id)
expect(Workflow.pluck(:id)).to eq([old_ids[0], old_ids[2], old_ids[3], old_ids[1], old_ids[4]])
Before the test I create 5 workflows with consecutive id and position. Then I use either update
or set_list_position
method to change the position, get the same error message.
I see your point. Unfortunately I'm not in much of a position to fix this quickly but am definitely happy to help you by reviewing a PR if you'd like to take a stab at fixing this yourself?
Start with a failing test in the PR and let's see where we get to :D
I'm running into this issue with uniqueness indices configured on Postgres, regardless of the :sequential_updates
setting. I removed the indices for now. A call to item.move_higher
will fail when the index is present. It works once I have removed it.
class ChecklistItemDefinition< ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :checklist_definition
acts_as_list scope: :checklist_definition
class ChecklistDefinition< ApplicationRecord
has_many :checklist_item_definitions, -> { order(position: :asc) }
#The Migration
add_index :checklist_item_definitions, [:checklist_definition_id, :position], unique: true, name: :checklist_item_definition_position_unique
As @bzwei noted, I think this is due to the after_update
callback. The record can't save because it violates the unique constraint before the other position
values are updated. I'd have to dig into the code a bit more, but using a before_save callback could work, but could also have unintended consequences. For now, perhaps a note on the documentation would help.
Hi @ericpowell03, you're probably right there. I'd be happy to merge a documentation PR for you. Changing when the re-arranging happens would be a bigger (probably breaking) change. To be honest, the re-arranging of the list is the central problem of this gem. It also causes deadlocks in some instances. I maintain ranked-model
and that also has some issues around re-arranging. Sometimes I think it might be time to come up with a better strategy and spin off a brand new gem :)
Hey @brendon -- yeah, I'll work on putting something together. I figured moving the callback would probably be too big of a change. It works as-is, though I do think it would be good to be able to enforce the uniqueness constraint at the DB level.
I ran into this today with a model in development. I have a uniqueness constraint in the DB akin to %I[position project_id user_id]
to allow each user to maintain a unique order for projects. A move_higher
fails because the first save of any project below the project being moved runs afoul of the constraint.
Hi @martinstreicher, sadly I'm not sure there's an easy answer to having a unique constraint on the position column. There is a mode you can go into called sequential_updates
. With that on, changes are made one at a time which could get around your issue.
This should help:
- Create an constraint that is DEFERRABLE
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD CONSTRAINT index_name UNIQUE (project_id, position, user_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
- Execute move_lower / move_higher in a transaction and set the constraint of your index to DEFERRED
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SET CONSTRAINTS index_name DEFERRED')
I don't think the DEFERRABLE
trick works on MySQL last I checked? Could be wrong.
I recently rolled my own list maintenance concern that you can see here:
I solved the reordering problem by moving the moved item to position 0
(with straight SQL to avoid any callbacks). I then shuffle things around and the moved items new position is set at the conclusion of the save process.
Implementing this process in acts_as_list
would probably be a breaking change as some people use 0
. Could use -1
I guess but some people have a positive integer constraint too.
- Create an constraint that is DEFERRABLE
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT index_name UNIQUE (project_id, position, user_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
@kamilpogo Any reason not to create this constraint as DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
? Wouldn't that eliminate the need to set the constraint as DEFERRED
later on?
- Create an constraint that is DEFERRABLE
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT index_name UNIQUE (project_id, position, user_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;@kamilpogo Any reason not to create this constraint as
? Wouldn't that eliminate the need to set the constraint asDEFERRED
later on?
There might be some implications: Rails automatically wraps any test case in a database transaction that is rolled back after the test completes (see ). So your test might behave differently than your production code (constraint won't be checked in tests while it is checked in development/production) if you don't use transactions. In tests you could use self.use_transactional_tests = false and later clean up your test database if your constraint is initially deferred.
But I didn't have a look if this is an issue here. Maybe everything is wrapped in a transaction. Then there shouldn't be a problem
So now with Rails 7.1.0 available, for Postgresql DBs it should be doable as shown below, see rails/rails#46192, rails/rails#49383, rails/rails#49393:
class ArticleUniquePosition < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
def change
add_index :articles, :position, unique: true
add_unique_constraint :articles, [:position], deferrable: :deferred, name: "unique_article_position"
Then just use article.move_lower
-- or --
class ArticleUniquePosition < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
def change
add_index :articles, :position, unique: true
add_unique_constraint :articles, [:position], deferrable: :immediate, name: "unique_article_position"
Then something like:
Article.transaction do
Article.connection.execute('SET CONSTRAINTS index_name DEFERRED')
I haven't tested yet as I first need to upgrade to Rails 7.1.
Happy for you to try some things out to see how you get on :)
Closing this for now. Check out as it supports the unique constraint out of the box.