limit to only autosomes
prasundutta87 opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi @brentp ,
I am trying to get some de novo SVs for some genes with biallelic mode of inheritance. I am using this command-
slivar expr --vcf autosomal_recessive_SVs/"$family"_panel_genes_SVs.vcf --trio "biallelic_denovo:(variant.CHROM != \"chrX\"||variant.CHROM != \"chrY\") && (kid.het||kid.hom_alt) && mom.hom_ref && dad.hom_ref && kid.DP >= 5 && mom.DP >= 5 && dad.DP >= 5 && (mom.DV + dad.DV) == 0" --ped $PED_FILE_PATH/"$family".ped --pass-only -o biallelic_de_novo_SVs/"$family"_de_novo_SVs_in_biallelic_genes.vcf
However, I am still getting X chrosome SV VCF records. What might be the issue here? Is there a better way to limit myself only to autosomes for this?
hi, is it "chrX" or just "X" ?
instead of:
(variant.CHROM != \"chrX\"||variant.CHROM != \"chrY\")
you likely want:
(variant.CHROM != \"chrX\" && variant.CHROM != \"chrY\")
and note that you can use single quotes to simplify:
(variant.CHROM != 'chrX' && variant.CHROM != 'chrY')
Hi @brentp .. thanks a lot for this. It has worked now.