Dirichlet Process
gcgibson opened this issue · 8 comments
Hi All, I really like Julia so far and Mamba is a great addition. I have been trying my hand at a dirichlet process implementation using the stick breaking construction.
using Mamba
## Data
line = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:x => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
:y => [1, 3, 3, 3, 5]
line[:xmat] = [ones(5) line[:x]]
function stick_breaking(beta)
cum_prod = 1 - beta[1]
weights = ones(5)
for i = 2:5
weights[i] = beta[i]*cum_prod
cum_prod = cum_prod*(1-beta[i])
model = Model(
y = Stochastic(1,
(mu) -> Normal(mean(mu), 1),
mu = Logical(5,
(beta) -> stick_breaking(beta)
beta = Stochastic(5,
() -> Beta(1, 2),
## Initial Values
inits = [
Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:y => line[:y],
:beta => randn(5)*1
## Sampling Scheme
scheme = [NUTS(:beta)]
setsamplers!(model, scheme)
## MCMC Simulations
sim = mcmc(model, line, inits, 10000, burnin=2500, thin=2, chains=1)
## Posterior Predictive Distribution
ppd = predict(sim, :x)
Not sure why the code block formatting isn't working, however I get the following error
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: Cannot convert
an object of type Array{Float64,1} to an object of type Array{Float64,5}
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor Array{Float64,5}(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.
So I assume there is something up with the dimensions of the initial values, but I don't see what is wrong.
The error is because of the way you defined stochastic nodes.
Stochastic(n, ...)
defines an n
-dimensional node. Your mu
and beta
are 1-dimensional arrays not 5-dimensional arrays (i.e. matrices are 2-dimensional, etc).
You can do code blocks by using triple back-tick (i.e. ``` to open block and ``` to close). If you put ```julia as open block you will get julia syntax highlighting.
single backtick will give you inline code code
. So does double backtick, but I'm not sure if that is any different.
Thanks, that is awesome! Here is my updated code for DP, I feel like I am very close but I'm still missing something, it seems is doesn't like me multiplying the weight by the Normal
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching *(::Float64, ::Distributions.Normal{Mamba.ScalarStochastic})
so how can I take a vector of weights and produce a Gaussian mixture likelihood?
using Mamba
## Data
data = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:y => [1, 3, 3, 3, 5]
number_of_components = 5
function stick_breaking(beta)
cum_prod = 1 - beta[1]
weights = ones(5)
weights[1] = beta[1]
for i = 2:number_of_components
weights[i] = beta[i]*cum_prod
cum_prod = cum_prod*(1-beta[i])
model = Model(
y = Stochastic(1,
(weights,mu,tau) -> UnivariateDistribution[weights[i]*Normal(mu, tau) for i in 1:number_of_components]
weights = Logical(1,
(beta) -> stick_breaking(beta),
beta = Stochastic(1,
() -> Beta(1, 2)
mu = Stochastic(
() -> Normal(0,5)
tau = Stochastic(
() -> Gamma(1,1)
## Initial Values
inits = [
Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:y => data[:y],
:beta =>rand(number_of_components)*1,
:mix_dists => rand(number_of_components),
:mu => 1,
:tau => 1
## Sampling Scheme
scheme = [NUTS(:beta)]
setsamplers!(model, scheme)
## MCMC Simulations
sim = mcmc(model, data, inits, 10000, burnin=2500, thin=2, chains=1)
A Stochastic node has to be a take a function that returns a Distribution. In your function you are trying to multiply a distribution by a weight which is not defined i.e.
julia> 5 * Normal()
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Int64, ::Distributions.Normal{Float64})
Closest candidates are:
*(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any...) at operators.jl:424
*(::Real, ::Complex{Bool}) at complex.jl:254
*(::Real, ::Complex) at complex.jl:266
What you want is a mixture distribution which is defined in Distributions.jl ie
julia> mu = collect(1:5);
sigma = collect(1:5);
w = rand(Dirichlet(ones(5)));
MixtureModel( [Normal(mu[i], sigma[i]) for i in 1:5], w)
MixtureModel{Distributions.Normal{Float64}}(K = 5)
components[1] (prior = 0.1456): Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=1.0, σ=1.0)
components[2] (prior = 0.2764): Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=2.0, σ=2.0)
components[3] (prior = 0.4236): Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=3.0, σ=3.0)
components[4] (prior = 0.0463): Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=4.0, σ=4.0)
components[5] (prior = 0.1081): Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=5.0, σ=5.0)
Also just want to point out that until recently you couldn't use MixtureModel in Mamba because there were some missing functions in Distributions.jl which was fixed recently, so I am not sure if you need to checkout Distributions.jl master or if they have already put out another release. (see #122)
Thanks! when I finish this up should I submit a PR to the examples? Would other people be interested in this?
Feel free to contribute an example, try to match the format of the others.