Problems in describe()
lucasfreitas1988 opened this issue · 0 comments
I'm having a problem using the describe () function, after making a mcmc in mamba. A message "At least one finite value must be provided to formatter" is displayed. Apparently, there is nothing wrong with mcmc, I even used this schedule yesterday.
Also the following messages appeared when calling the mamba package:
WARNING: Method definition abs (ForwardDiff.Dual {T, V, N} where N where V <: Real) in module ForwardDiff at C: \ Users \ ACER \ AppData \ Local \ Julia-0.6.2 \ share \ julia \ site \ v0.6 \ dual.jl: 317 overwritten at C: \ Users \ ACER \ AppData \ Local \ Julia0.6.2 \ share \ julia \ site \ v0.6 \ dual.jl: 163.
WARNING: both StatsBase and DataFrames export "coefnames"; uses of it in module
WARNING: both StatsBase and Compat export "stderr"; uses of it in module DataFrames must be qualified
I need help, one more time rs.