
Initial values for multiple chains

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I came across a problem when creating arrays for initial values in multiple chains. In the below example, inits1 works while inits 2 does not in mcmc
inits1 = [
Dict(:y => Data[:y], :m =>0, :sd_m => 1),
Dict(:y => Data[:y], :m =>0, :sd_m => 1)

inits2 = [
Dict(:y => Data[:y], :m =>0, :sd_m => 1)
for i in 1:2
The difference is:
julia> typeof(inits1)

julia> typeof(inits2)

the signature of mcmc will not recognize the second.

I really like the package and I look forward to using it more.

Michael Sonksen

Hi @sonksen,

Thanks for the note. You're right that the second inits2 formulation of initial values is not of the Array{Dict{Symbol,Any},1} type required by the mcmc function. Below is one way the formulation can be modified to ensure that the required type is produced.

inits2 = Dict{Symbol,Any}[
  Dict(:y => Data[:y], :m => 0, :sd_m => 1)
  for i in 1:2

Thanks Brian!

Michael Sonksen

You're welcome.