Brian is a free, open source simulator for spiking neural networks.
- aistrych
- asoplataBrown University
- boddmgChina
- brianwestermanSelf-taught student
- cabanm
- caglorithmTechnische Universität Berlin
- chitianqilinThe University of Edinburgh
- cloudzfy
- efiLeipzig University
- fbaumgardtBoston University
- florianlepontQovery
- gperniolaChieti
- hushell
- jdaly101
- jerlichNew York University - Shanghai
- josparue
- jvs--Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
- kleskjrIndustrial Analytics
- lerruaBelo Horizonte, Brazil
- livicleeTechnology Expert, HUAWEI
- maxgillettSan Francisco
- MaxwellReboNew York City
- michaelgztMaastricht University
- mrshim1101Houston, TX
- nmsuttonGeorge Mason University
- phreezaGermany
- saurabhvermaaaa
- scientist1642Tbilisi, Georgia
- sxhfutHefei University of Technology
- syntapy
- timqianFreelancer
- vmonacoOpenAI
- vpw
- wuxianliangBeijing No.2 Experimental Primary School
- yannaodhImperial College London
- ZeitgeberHHouston