
WebApp not opening

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • Game Version: 1.9.0
  • ChatCore Version: v1.0.0 RC3

I installed so that the folder structure is like

    - Libs/
        - ChatCore.dll
     - Plugins/
        - ChatCore.manifest

Also I've searched the logs for ChatCore and found this:

[DEBUG @ 18:14:25 | IPA/Loader] Adding info for bare manifest ChatCore.manifest
[INFO @ 18:14:26 | IPA] ChatCore (ChatCore): 1.0.0-rc3
[DEBUG @ 18:14:26 | IPA/Updater] Phantom Dependency: ChatCore@1.0.0-rc3 - (>=1.0.0-rc3 ! ) 

The full log can be found here:

Have you installed the new enhanced stream chat? No web ui will appear unless another assembly/mod actually uses chat core.

Yup, working now! Thanks