
Firefox doesn't submit correct value

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Similar to #21, on Firefox 49.0.2, the value 09/19/2016 is submitted instead of 2016-09-19. I'm not sure if I got what you meant by the browser submitting the input text instead of the underlying value, but if I inspect the element on Firefox, the underlying value is on the format 09/19/2016 as well (differently than on Chrome without the polyfill, where it's the expected 2016-09-19).

You can see where it's breaking by going on with Firefox and adding the start date/end date filters.

Did you reference the usage notes to ensure that the value is being used in the way that the polyfill can support?

In my tests on Firefox 52, accessing the value property of the input element produces the expected YYYY-MM-DD string. Same with the link that you sent (although the polyfill may have been modified on your end, so that muddies the waters a bit).

If you can still reproduce this with an unmodified version of the polyfill, please comment. Closing for now.