
Add .el file headers to enable automatic packaging

purcell opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey Brian! I run the "Melpa" emacs package archive with a friend, and it's getting really popular. ( It builds package.el-compatible packages automatically from upstream .el source code.

We received a pull request containing a recipe for packaging up the files in this repo, but we couldn't accept it because the files don't have the standard headers that are required by the package.el system. If you were to put something like the following in the files, at a minimum, that'd be really helpful:

;;; jade-mode.el --- Brief description of mode
;;; URL: ....
;;; Author: Brian M Carlson


;;;; jade-mode.el ends here

I'd work up a pull request myself, but I don't use these modes directly, so I thought I'd just make a quick appeal to your community spirit instead. :-)



I added the headers. Thanks for the feedback.

Great - the packages are now in Melpa and will be built shortly. Thanks! :-)