
Cannot execute on אable names with uppercase letter

aviranco opened this issue · 3 comments


When I am trying to copy table content when the table name has upper case it fails, saying that the table not exist (with the lower cased name of the table).

e.g. when trying to execute the following: sCOPY my_schema.Entity TO STDOUT
I get error: error: relation "my_schema.entity" does not exist

After renaming the table name to lower case it works

Hello. Thanks for the report. I don't really see where pg-copy-streams would have an impact on this. it simply forwards the sql COPY command to postgres. do have a test case that we could add to the test suite showing what goes wrong ?

I'll close this issue now I don't think this is related to the pg-copy-streams module. Feel free to re-open with a test case.