
Bug: 'Insert' statement turns into 'Select' statement in some scenarios

Opened this issue · 5 comments

var sql = require('sql')
var model = sql.define({
  name: 'test',
  columns: ['c1', 'c2']

This should throw an error as I am trying to insert nothing.
Clearly a mistake on the programmer's side

Instead, it fails silently:
-> { text: 'SELECT * FROM "test"', values: [] }

This means that the programmer won't be alerted to the mistake.
Because the query will not throw an error.

This scenario should throw an error and alert the programmer. In any case, it should not turn into a select

👍 This is still an issue.

This is not a bug, but a feature #203 :)

Harmless? I disagree. What if I have billions of rows in that table? SELECT * is not harmless.

EDIT: Ok, I see issue 203 was to add the WHERE (1=2) clause. We're seeing SELECT * FROM table because our version is really old.

This is extremely difficult to debug. Can you explain why isn't the correct behavior to throw an error?

#197 explains it.
Well, not really - its just backward-compatible behavior. The correct backward-incompatible behavior would be to not generate a query.