Feature Request: add "Number of Microinverters Online"
kchiem opened this issue · 9 comments
I've been dealing with some long-standing communications issues and would find it useful if the reported number of microinverters the envoy is connected to could be tracked. This number varies throughout the day for me.
Hi @kchiem, not sure where the get the information from at this moment. Some options come to mind.
There is a activecount
in the production report (/production) on the Envoy, but have no idea if that number would change if a microinverter is not tracked. To validate if that number is useful and changing, download a diagnostic report
and open it. Look for Endpoint-production
and see what the active count is at a good and bad moment in the day. If that number changes there's something to work with
What is the inverter data doing if one is not tracked? Is there a number available? Is timestamp of the value changing?
In the same report Endpoint-production_inverters
is the list of inverters reported in last data collection. You could see if all are include there or not.
The timestamp for the inverter values comes from the Envoy, so if that freezes it's could be an indication for an outage, if it freezes in this case. You could use this in HA template to like calculated frozen panels if last update is > 5 min or so.
My envoy is the oldest -R version. I'm not seeing an activeCount
in Endpoint-production
"Endpoint-production": " <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\">\n <html lang=\"en\">\n <!-- START HEAD CONTENT -->\n <head>\n <title>production</title>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n <!-- include style sheet -->\n <link rel=\"styleSheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/include/css/style.css\" >\n <style type=\"text/css\">.nav { width: 190px; font-size: 10px; padding: 10px; margin: 10px;float: left; background: #D8DBD4; color: #213d30; border: 2px solid #333; }\n\t.navholder { width: auto; height: auto; float: left; margin: 10px 0px 0 0 }\n\t.tbl_cap { font-size:8pt; background-color:#DD4F05; color:white; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:white; }\n\t.tbl_bod { font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; color:#213d30; background-color:#D8DBD4; border-style:solid; border-color:white; border-width:1px; }\n\t.tbl_bod_right { font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; color:#213d30; background-color:#D8DBD4; border-style:solid; border-color:white; 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text-align:left; height:50px;\"\n alt=\"Enphase Energy, Inc.\">\n </a>\n </td>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"4\">Envoy Serial Number: 121121741109</td>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\" valign=\"middle\">\n <a href=\"http://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com?locale=en\" title=\"Visit the Enlighten website\">\n <img src=\"/images/enlighten_logo.png\"\n style=\"background:white; text-align:right; height:40px;\"\n alt=\"Enlighten website\">\n </a>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\"><a href=\"/home?locale=en\">Home</a></td>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\"><a href=\"/event?locale=en\">Events</a></td>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\"><a id=\"nav_header_production\" href=\"/production?locale=en\">Production</a></td> \n <td class=\"hdr_line\"><a id=\"nav_header_inventory\" href=\"/inventory?locale=en\">Inventory</a></td>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\"><a id=\"nav_header_admin\" href=\"/admin/home?locale=en\">Administration</a></td>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\"></td>\n <td class=\"hdr_line\" align=\"left\">Language\n <select id=\"locale\" name=\"locale\" onchange=\"this.form.submit()\"> <option value=\"it\">Italiano</option><option value=\"de\">Deutsch</option><option value=\"es\">Espa\u00f1ol</option><option value=\"en\" selected=\"selected\" >English</option><option value=\"nl\">Nederlands</option><option value=\"fr\">Fran\u00e7ais</option>\n </select>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </div>\n </form>\n <HR>\n <!-- END TOP NAV CONTENT -->\n <!-- START MAIN PAGE CONTENT -->\n <h1>System Energy Production</h1>\n <div style=\"margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;\"><table>\n <tr><td colspan=\"3\">System has been live since\n <div class=good>Tue Nov 08, 2011 01:59 PM PST</div></td></tr>\n <tr><td>Currently</td> <td> 3.14 kW</td></tr><tr><td>Today</td> <td> 3.45 kWh</td></tr><tr><td>Past Week</td> <td> 240 kWh</td></tr><tr><td>Since Installation</td> <td> 165 MWh</td></tr>\n </table><br></div>\n <!-- END MAIN PAGE CONTENT -->\n <!-- START BOTTOM NAV CONTENT -->\n <HR>\n <div style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; width: 100%; text-align: center; \">\n © 2007-2020, [e] Enphase Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. |\n <a href=\"http://www.enphaseenergy.com/licenses\">Licenses</a>\n <!-- END BOTTOM NAV CONTENT -->\n <br><br>\n </div>\n </body>\n </html>\n",
My /production page looks like this, and I think it's being html scraped:
The online microinverter count is available in /home, which looks like this:
The relevant html is:
<tr><td>Number of Microinverters Online</td>
Ah, I see. Technically that can be done. I would need the HTML content of the /home page for my envoy simulator to be able to test such a change.
There is another alternative that will be quicker to implement and tailor to what you need. In HACS there is a custom integration multiscrape. That will allow you to get that data from the web page directly and is not too hard to get going.
After installing it using HACS, you need to add a scrape definition to configuration.yaml in the /config folder and restart HA.
Below an example to read currently kW from the production page
- name: Envoy Production Scraper
resource: http://envoy/home
scan_interval: 60
- unique_id: Envoy_current_production
name: Envoy Current production
select: "body > div > table > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)"
value_template: '{{ (value.split("k")[0]) }}'
unit_of_measurement: "kW"
The select:
defines the search pattern in the webpage. I can assist with that if you provide the html content of the home page that you share a screenshot of above.
For starters one could consider:
- name: Envoy Production Scraper
resource: http://envoy/production
scan_interval: 60
- unique_id: Envoy_inverters_configured
name: Envoy Inverters Configured
select: "body > div > table > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(2)" <-- needs change
value_template: '{{ (value) }}' <-- needs change
- unique_id: Envoy_inverters_online
name: Envoy Inverter Active Count
select: "body > div > table > tr:nth-child(5) > td:nth-child(2)" <-- needs change
value_template: '{{ (value) }}' <-- needs change
Here's the full html: envoy_home.zip
Thanks for the pointer to multiscrape. I'll check it out.
Had a quick look at the scrape selection for the home page and it worked with below configuration. The force_update
is optional, with it set True it will always write a value to HA instead of only writing when the value or status changed.
- name: Envoy Scraper
resource: http://envoy/home
scan_interval: 60
- unique_id: Envoy_inverters_configured
name: Envoy Inverters Configured
select: "body > table > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(2)"
value_template: "{{ (value) }}"
state_class: measurement
force_update: True
- unique_id: Envoy_inverters_online
name: Envoy Inverters Online
select: "body > table > tr > td:nth-child(2) > table > tr:nth-child(5) > td:nth-child(2)"
value_template: "{{ (value) }}"
state_class: measurement
force_update: True
If you want more items to display, add more -unique_id
sections and change the tr:nth-child(4)
to another line number in the table.
Hi @kchiem, did the multiscrape work and are you ok now?
I used your data to update my Envoy simulator and added some code to my test version to grab the active count, just for legacy envoy types. That worked so far. I've you're still into this, next step would be for you to test in with your system.
If you are fine with the multiscrape, that's fine too, my envoy simulator needed a long overdue cleanup anyway and this was as good a moment as others.
Screenshot of my local dev system using the legacy simulator.
Hello, sorry about the late response. I got busy over the weekend.
I had gotten multiscrape working before that based on your initial suggestion. Although I have to say that enabling debug logging and log_response for multiscrape wasn't very helpful. Instead I installed beautifulsoup4 and was able to come up with a working select statement. On this, is the value_template: "{{ (value) }}"
necessary? It seems to return the numbers without that line.
If you have the integration pulling the online inverter count now, I'd love to test it. But how?
Had the same experience finding the right pattern for multiscrape, just copying from the browser as described didn't work and I ended up adding debug statement to the integration with various test patterns.
Don't think the value template is needed, leftover from the example.
The test version of the integration can be downloaded in HACS by adding custom library https://github.com/catsmanac/home_assistant_custom_envoy. It will show as DEV-TEST. When you have both DEV and DEV-TEST in hacs you can switch between these by re-downloading from the repository you want. Make sure to enable the show beta test option switch on DEV-TEST.