Entities have no value anymore after update envoy (automatically by enphase) on 01-04-2024
Rotil66 opened this issue · 10 comments
Since Enphase has automatically updated my Enovy convertor overnight. I have a problem getting data from the unit.
For years now it was running perfectly without anythong I had to setup (all found automatically) Snince the an update two day ago. I got the message in HA that I had to enter My credentials to login to the Envoy. So far so good. I did and the intergation found the unit again including the entity's . But now all the sensors that show the current production, 7 day's production, Dayly production, Lifetime production have 0 or a complete wrong value. (The data from the induvidual panels is shown correctly)
The enphase app on my phone is working correct and show all the data correctly.
How can this be solved, since my whole energy setup in HA is down whithout this values..
Hi @Rotil66, not the first time Envoy's get updated overnight and cause unpleasant surprises. Can you share some more detail on before and after the event?
- what was the previous firmware and is the current Envoy firmware version?
- have you been using this custom integration before the event as well, or did you find it and newlt installed it to get going again?
- Can you upload the diagnostic file of the envoy (as file)?
- What home assistant version are you using?
Hi Rolaf, yes I'm Dutch so if you feel more comfortable writing in Dutch that's ok, I'll translate and reply bi-lingual as these issues also act as an aid for others,
I see you also opened the same case with the Home Assistant core one and maybe got stuck in switching back to that? If you were the core one before it might be best to get the core one going again and process any issues over there. To restore the original one see this topic in the community: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/switching-from-enphase-envoy-dev-back-to-core/611391: First make a backup of Home Assistant (configurations/system/backups/make backup). Then Remove Enphase Envoy (Dev) from HACS. (do not remove the envoy configuration from Home Assistant itself). You'll get a warning that the integration is still configured, ignore and continue. After removal restart Home Assistant and the core integration should be back. If not verify that the folder config/custom_component/enphase_envoy no longer exists.
Dag Rolaf, aangezien je voordien de originele Home Assistant integratie voor Enphase Envoy gebruikte, is het waarschijnlijk de beste optie om die te blijven gebruiken aangezien die tegenwoordig ook de tokens van Enphase ondersteunt. In the home assistant community vind je aanwijzingen hoe anderen dat gedaan hebben: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/switching-from-enphase-envoy-dev-back-to-core/611391. Maak eerst een backup van home assistant (Instellingen/Systeem/Backups/Maak Backup). Als die klaar is: Verwijder Enphase Envoy (Dev) uit HACS (maar niet uit Home Assistant zelf). Je krijgt een waarschuwing dat de Integratie nog is geconfigureerd. Negeer die en ga verder. Daarna Home Assisatnt opnieuw starten. Dan is the core versie weer actief. Zoniet controleer dan of de map config/custom_component/enphase_envoy weg is.
HI Rolof, to verify it's not a custom integration open the home assistant log file and inspect the first few lines. Any custom integration is reported there. If below line is not there then you run the core integration. Which I suspect if the custom folder is gone and you restarted HA.
We found a custom integration enphase_envoy which has not been tested by Home Assistant
If you still see (dev) try using CTRL F5 to refresch the page cache, may help (or not), HA uses this pretty heavily and some pages are stubborn in showing previous looks. If you see (DEV) in a HACS page then it's because HACS may still have it as an option.
The log file will tell what if it's custom or not.
Looks like something went wrong with the logfile as I don't see it included.
Now we've confirmed that you are using the Core integration we best continue finding the issue over there.