
will you support Stetho for easily access sqlite db?

zinwalin opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried to integrate Stetho and sqflite, so I can debug and access sqlite db from Chrome Dev Tools, but it seems sqflite and Stetho doesn't work together at the moment.

I was able to access database via Chrome Dev Tools. Point is that when creating database I used Directory path = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();. But it returns appRoot/app_flutter directory. Stetho expects databases in appRoot/databases directory. So the trick is to create database file in databases directory:

Future<String> _getPath() async {
    Directory path = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
      return join(path.parent.path, "databases/db.sqlite");
    } else {
      return join(path.path, "db.sqlite");
_db = await openDatabase(
      version: 1,
      onCreate: _create,

@sidlatau thanks heaps