How do I use redux_thunk with combineTypedReducers?
atreeon opened this issue · 1 comments
atreeon commented
I'm a little confused as to how to use this with my reducer and my widget (I have managed to get a few redux flutter basic examples working ok).
I'm using combineTypedReducers to manage my reducers
final lessonsReducer = combineTypedReducers<List<Lesson>>([
new ReducerBinding<List<Lesson>, LessonsAddAction>(_lessonsAdd),
new ReducerBinding<List<Lesson>, ???>(_lessonsLoad)]);
Function(Store<AppState>) _lessonsLoadAction = (Store<AppState> store) async {
final lessonsLoad = await new Future.delayed(
new Duration(seconds: 5),
() => myLessons, //a simple list of lesson objects
I'm a little unsure how these both go together. My actions are classes but this is a method, in the ReducerBinding I get a '_lessonsLoadAction is not a type' (because it isn't!).
Many thanks in providing the redux implementations and apologies for the beginner flutter / dart / redux question! :-)
atreeon commented
It works :-) The thunk initially bypasses the reducer. When the future returns, the future dispatches an action that is recognised by the reducer.
//action recognised by reducer
class LessonsLoadAction {
final List<Lesson> lessons;
//async action that is delayed that, once complete, returns an action recognised by the reducer
Function(Store<AppState>) lessonsLoadAsyncAction = (Store<AppState> store) async {
final lessonsLoadResults = await new Future.delayed(
new Duration(seconds: 10),
() => new LessonsLoadAction(myLessons),
final lessonsReducer = combineTypedReducers<List<Lesson>>([
new ReducerBinding<List<Lesson>, LessonsLoadAction>(_lessonsLoadAction),
new ReducerBinding<List<Lesson>, LessonsAddAction>(_lessonsAddAction),
List<Lesson> _lessonsLoadAction(
List<Lesson> lessons, LessonsLoadAction action) {
return action.lessons;