
Bypass of the security measures with automated bots

fatihhcelik opened this issue · 1 comments

I was playing with the site . Then, I realized I can write a python code to automate this process and break the my record. I recorded my screen during this process to illustrate the process clearly. Firstly, I will show my code and then write my suggestion to prevent this. Here is my code,

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path= r'E:\\file\\path\\chromedriver.exe')

text = input()
text = text + " "

inputElement = driver.find_element_by_id("input-field")

If I need to explain quickly, this code runs in the following order,

  • Open the automated browser using given path to appropriate browser's driver.
  • Wait for the text in the website.
  • Write the text into input field on the website.

I illustrated all these processes as a video in the attachment. I absolutely broke my record. (WPM:3204 ACC:100)


Here is the video in the zip file,

Suggestion to Prevent Automated Browsers

Actually, I didn't research about that deeply but I think, found some useful things. You can control the output of navigator.webdriver statement. This code returns true if the browser automated. As you can see in the photo,


There are many more ways to cheat then using selinium. You don't even need a bot at all!!! 😂
You can just fill in the WPM directly in the dom element with the Dev Tools if you want. Or make a screenshot apply some photoshop foo and brag to your friends.

I would say it only matters if there is an actual competion component where the server keeps track of scores and guarantees no one is cheating.