
Retweets aren't showing up

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm not seeing retweets at all in my stream.

Yeah, I forgot to mention the current behavior. Right now, there's no mechanic to show that a tweet is from someone you don't follow (RTed by someone you do), and you don't want to process the tweet itself because it's truncated (full tweet embedded in tweet.retweeted_status). As a temporary measure, I set it to ignore retweets for now in TwitterController.js:process_tweet()

Intended behavior / TODO would be to add the tweet with retweeting user as metadata/activity on the original tweet, and note whether or not the user follows the original tweet's author. On the front-end, we should show a tweet as "retweeted by {twitter user}" and perhaps have a way to show no retweets or all retweets.

Sounds like the biggest issue is how to handle it properly in the model. As a user, I definitely want those showing on the frontend, same as on or in any twitter client.