Requires delete confirmation for every file when 'resize original' is selected
Closed this issue · 15 comments
When 'Resize the Original Picture (don't create copies) is selected, users have to manually confirm the deletion of each individual original picture. This makes large batch resizing extremely frustrating & time consuming! The previous version didn't do this. Please fix?
Oh wow, it asks for confirmation? lol, that wasn't intentional...
Thanks for the quick reply! I am running Windows 10 build 16299.371.
HI together - I have Windows Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063. When I take the picture to my Hard-Disk-Drive like C: than I get no request. But If I have a Netfolder like \SRV\picture than I get also the request for each picture. I hope this is helpful...
ups A mistake in typing at the netfolder ,-) I mean like **\**srv\picture
<- Ok now is right.. Is the first time that I writte on GitHub...
i have kind of the same problem. when i have the option to delete the original on, it does work but only when i use it for one picture. when i use it for a batch of picture's it just keeps the original. only just downloaded the update.
I never see the dialog on my machine, so I'm not entirely sure if this fixed it...
Could someone download and install this build an confirm that it's fixed?
V - not fixed
Win10 1709 Build 16299.371
Thanks for following up @chincherpa and @Caldolan. I'll try again.
OK, I went back to the way it was in 3.0. You can use this build to confirm it's fixed (uninstall the previous private build before installing).
It's fixed, thank you very much
I confirme too - It is fixed. Thank you very much