
Request to implement DigitsOnController directly

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Request via Mail

I’ve been able to run a 4 digit 7 segment display through a Teensy 4.0 with the original SevSeg library but this required 12 pins from the controller.. Now I want to simplify the no. of pins in the controller with only one shift register, so I can run the display on a small wifi module.

The thing is, that I want to assign the digit pins to microcontroller pins and only the segment pins on the shift register, so I dont need a second one. I’ve seen examples of this which are fine, but they don’t use the sevseg library and it will be a pain to programm and get anything a bit complex if there are already useful libraries like sevseg.

The thing is that your library is focused on shift registers and even the digit pins are assigned to one of the shift registers. You only seem to use data, clock and latch from the microcontroller.

Is there any way I can trick the library so the digit pins can be assigned to microcontroller pins??

Created new branch "DigitOnController" to implement solution.
However not yet tested...