
Error on file "/bricks/setlists/", line 47

Closed this issue ยท 12 comments

Hello Sergey,

Thank you for this repository :-)

Unfortunately I get the following error on docker compose execution:

Bildschirmfoto 2023-02-17 um 13 04 39

Thanks for a report. But I have no idea why "id" field is missing. Any details would be helpful. Can you post resp json value?


            "name":"Circus Artists",
            "set_img_url":"https: //",
            "name":"Motorbike & Rider (PreSchool Scooter)",
            "name":"Tractor and Farm Machinery",
            "name":"Bath-Toy Boat",
            "name":"Children's Zoo (Zoo Animal Antics)",
            "name":"Large Red Building Plate",

I tried a fix by changing id to list_id in line 47, but still have the error log:

bricks  | make: Leaving directory '/bricks/rebrickable'
bricks  | Traceback (most recent call last):
bricks  |   File "/bricks/setlists/", line 47, in <module>
bricks  |     list_id = resp["results"][i]["list_id"]
bricks  |               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^
bricks  | KeyError: 'list_id'

It is strange ... I print resp["results"][i] above the error line and there is an id key available:

bricks  | {'id': 800685, 'is_buildable': True, 'name': 'Borstel DUPLO', 'num_sets': 6}

I have the only one "Set List". And here is my json (resp above the error line):

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": 304743,
            "is_buildable": true,
            "name": "Set List",
            "num_sets": 180

The id field is present.
In your case it looks like that you have more than one list returned from rebrickable. Could you post your resp with all that lists? Let's check that all of them have an id field

Here you are, as far as I can see, ids are provided for all items:

         "name":"DUPLO ONE",
         "name":"LEGO ONE",
         "name":"DUPLO TWO",
         "name":"LEGO TWO",

The error occurs for the first item already as you can see from the first posted JSON.

For this snippet:

    resp = {
        "count": 4,
        "next": "None",
        "previous": "None",
        "results": [
                "id": 800685,
                "is_buildable": True,
                "name": "DUPLO ONE",
                "num_sets": 6
                "id": 800691,
                "is_buildable": True,
                "name": "LEGO ONE",
                "num_sets": 43
                "id": 799836,
                "is_buildable": True,
                "name": "DUPLO TWO",
                "num_sets": 14
                "id": 633125,
                "is_buildable": True,
                "name": "LEGO TWO",
                "num_sets": 50

    for i in range(resp["count"]):
        list_id = resp["results"][i]["id"]

I have the following output:


Your first posted JSON looks like the value of resp at line 55. Do you still crash at line 47?

Maybe we need a DEBUG mode with verbose output

I found the issue - the request was overwritten within the loop ๐Ÿ˜œ

PR submitted!

I found the issue - the request was overwritten within the loop ๐Ÿ˜œ

Great! Exactly!