
Files not showing up

siliconwitch opened this issue · 6 comments

The file is uploaded but doesn't show up.


Full log:

Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Raw REPL ⬇️: \r\n>>> \r\nraw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>
Raw REPL ⬆️: import device;print(device.VERSION)\x04
Raw REPL ⬇️: OKv23.150.1818\r\n��>
Raw REPL ⬆️: print(device.GIT_REPO);del(device)\x04
Raw REPL ⬇️: OK\r\n��>
Raw REPL ⬆️: import fpga;print(,12));del(fpga)\x04
Raw REPL ⬇️: OKb'v23.110.0855'\r\n��>
Leaving raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x02
Raw REPL ⬇️: \r\nMicroPython v1.20.0-117-ged7a3b11d on 2023-05-30; Monocle on nRF52832\r\nType "help()" for more information.\r\n>>> 
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Raw REPL ⬇️: \r\n>>> \r\nraw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>
Raw REPL ⬆️: import os,ujson;\nd="/"\nl =[]\nif os.stat(d)[0] & 0x4000:\n    for f in os.ilistdir(d):\n        if f[0] not in ('.', '..'):\n            l.append({"name":f[0],"file":not f[1] & 0x4000})\nprint(ujson.dumps(l))\ndel(os,l,d)\x04
Raw REPL ⬇️: OK[]\r\n��>
Leaving raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x02
Raw REPL ⬇️: \r\nMicroPython v1.20.0-117-ged7a3b11d on 2023-05-30; Monocle on nRF52832\r\nType "help()" for more information.\r\n>>> 
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Raw REPL ⬇️: \r\n>>> \r\nraw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>
Raw REPL ⬆️: f=open('', 'w');f.write('''import bluetooth\nimport time\nimport urandom\n\n\ndef choices(rng, k=1):\n    l = []\n    for _ in range(k):\n        l.append(urandom.choice(rng))\n    return l\n\n\nwhile True:\n    if bluetooth.connected():\n        mtu = bluetooth.max_length()\n        for i in range(10):\n            choices(range(0, 256), k=mtu)\n''');f.close()\x04
Raw REPL ⬇️: OK��>
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x04
Leaving raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x02
Raw REPL ⬇️: OK\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "", in <module>\r\n  File "", in choices\r\nKeyboardInterrupt: \r\nraw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>\r\nMicroPython v1.20.0-117-ged7a3b11d on 2023-05-30; Monocle on nRF52832\r\nType "help()" for more information.\r\n>>> 
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Raw REPL ⬇️: \r\n>>> \r\nraw REPL; CTRL-B to exit\r\n>
Raw REPL ⬆️: f=open('', 'w');f.write('''import bluetooth\nimport time\nimport urandom\n\n\ndef choices(rng, k=1):\n    l = []\n    for _ in range(k):\n        l.append(urandom.choice(rng))\n    return l\n\n\nwhile True:\n    if bluetooth.connected():\n        mtu = bluetooth.max_length()\n        start = time.ticks_ms()\n        i = 0\n        while i < 10:\n            try:\n                bluetooth.send(choices(range(0, 256), k=mtu))\n                i += 1\n            except:\n                pass\n        end = time.ticks_ms()\n        print(f"Sent {i-1*mtu} bytes in {time.ticks_diff(start , ed)}")\n''');f.close()\x04
Raw REPL ⬇️: OK��>
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x04
Leaving raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x02
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Raw REPL ⬆️: import os,ujson;\nd="/"\nl =[]\nif os.stat(d)[0] & 0x4000:\n    for f in os.ilistdir(d):\n        if f[0] not in ('.', '..'):\n            l.append({"name":f[0],"file":not f[1] & 0x4000})\nprint(ujson.dumps(l))\ndel(os,l,d)\x04
Raw REPL ⬆️: f=open('', 'w');f.write('''import bluetooth\nimport time\nimport urandom\n\n\ndef choices(rng, k=1):\n    l = []\n    for _ in range(k):\n        l.append(urandom.choice(rng))\n    return l\n\n\nwhile True:\n    if bluetooth.connected():\n        mtu = bluetooth.max_length()\n        start = time.ticks_ms()\n        i = 0\n        while i < 10:\n            try:\n                bluetooth.send(choices(range(0, 256), k=mtu))\n                i += 1\n            except:\n                pass\n        end = time.ticks_ms()\n        print(f"Sent {i-1*mtu} bytes in {time.ticks_diff(start , end)}")\n''');f.close()\x04
Raw REPL ⬆️: f=open('', 'w');f.write('''import bluetooth\nimport time\nimport urandom\n\n\ndef choices(rng, k=1):\n    l = []\n    for _ in range(k):\n        l.append(urandom.choice(rng))\n    return l\n\n\nwhile True:\n    if bluetooth.connected():\n        mtu = bluetooth.max_length()\n        start = time.ticks_ms()\n        i = 0\n        while i < 10:\n            try:\n                bluetooth.send(choices(range(0, 256), k=mtu))\n                i += 1\n            except:\n                pass\n        end = time.ticks_ms()\n        print(f"Sent {i-1*mtu} bytes in {time.ticks_diff(start , end)}")\n''');f.close()\x04
Leaving raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x02
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x04
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x04
Leaving raw REPL mode
Leaving raw REPL mode
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Raw REPL ⬆️: import os\ndef md(p):\n    c=""\n    for d in p.split("/"):\n        c += "/"+d\n        try:\n            os.mkdir(c)\n        except:\n            pass\nmd('');del(os,md)\x04
Raw REPL ⬆️: f=open('/', 'w');f.write('''import bluetooth\nimport time\nimport urandom\n\n\ndef choices(rng, k=1):\n    l = []\n    for _ in range(k):\n        l.append(urandom.choice(rng))\n    return l\n\n\nwhile True:\n    if bluetooth.connected():\n        mtu = bluetooth.max_length()\n        start = time.ticks_ms()\n        i = 0\n        while i < 10:\n            try:\n                bluetooth.send(choices(range(0, 256), k=mtu))\n                i += 1\n            except:\n                pass\n        end = time.ticks_ms()\n        print(f"Sent {i-1*mtu} bytes in {time.ticks_diff(start , end)}")\n''');f.close()\x04
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x04
Leaving raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x02
Entering raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x01
Raw REPL ⬆️: import os,ujson;\nd="/"\nl =[]\nif os.stat(d)[0] & 0x4000:\n    for f in os.ilistdir(d):\n        if f[0] not in ('.', '..'):\n            l.append({"name":f[0],"file":not f[1] & 0x4000})\nprint(ujson.dumps(l))\ndel(os,l,d)\x04
Leaving raw REPL mode
Raw REPL ⬆️: \x03\x02

I might have caused this bug by blocking the bluetooth 🤔

import bluetooth
import time
import urandom

def choices(rng, k=1):
    l = []
    for _ in range(k):
    return l

while True:
    if bluetooth.connected():
        mtu = bluetooth.max_length()
        start = time.ticks_ms()
        i = 0
        while i < 10:
                bluetooth.send(choices(range(0, 256), k=mtu))
                i += 1
        end = time.ticks_ms()
        print(f"Sent {i-1*mtu} bytes in {time.ticks_diff(start , end)}")

I think I found a way to brick Monocle from micropython @josuah 😅

This was a MicroPython bug. Issue at micropython/micropython#11682

josuah commented

It appear to be a desired feature of MicroPython

Should we implement our own Ctrl-C? Or maybe a separate Ctrl-\ that always causes a full firmware reset when hit, directly caught on the bluetooth driver before it reaches MicroPython?

That way, regardless what happens on MicroPython level, we could always recover.

Well, a full firmware reset doesn't work either if it's a saved python file. Ctrl+/ could work, if there's a way we can break the execution loop and return to the REPL

josuah commented

If we try to make use of a keyboard interrupt, we would have implemented the same behavior as Ctrl+C, and would be back to square 1, I suppose...

So maybe we would have to fork micropython or maybe patch it?
Or could we implement a fail-safe reboot mechanism that skips startup files execution.
A bit how in Linux, if something goes wrong in the boot process, passing init=/bin/sh to the kernel command line gives a way to fix it manually.

Open to suggestions!