
Should it work on mobile web ?

bennyhan9 opened this issue · 2 comments

When test it on mobile it run ok on android, but when try to run it on ios safari, i get:

TypeError: this.node.animate is not a function. (In 'this.node.animate(this.keyframes, this.timing)', 'this.node.animate' is undefined)
startAnimation — animation.js:63
componentDidMount — animation.js:99
measureLifeCyclePerf — ReactCompositeComponent.js:75
(anonymous function) — ReactCompositeComponent.js:264
notifyAll — CallbackQueue.js:76
close — ReactReconcileTransaction.js:80
closeAll — Transaction.js:206
perform — Transaction.js:153
perform — Transaction.js:140
flushBatchedUpdates — ReactUpdates.js:172
closeAll — Transaction.js:206
perform — Transaction.js:153
dispatchEvent — ReactEventListener.js:147

@bennyhan9 it should.. What version of safari are you running on? Are you loading the Web Animations Polyfill?

@bennyhan9, I tested it recently on mobile safari and it work with the polyfill loaded