
New homepage design

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Right now the homepage layout is the same as EmojiScreen Come up with or propose a new layout for the homepage.

  • Propose a new homepage layout. An example could be having the header and contribution callout in a sidebar. Post your idea here before you start coding.
  • Update the HTML with the new homepage layout once approved.
  • Update CSS as needed for the new layout.

Something like this? 🤔


I like the vinyl record thing so I plopped it to the left as a background and may animate the color of the inner circle.

The only flaw here is those vinyl records at the back of the items are blocked if you want a more compact view, but we could just reduce it to 3 items per row. Let me know what you think :)

@oliviale This looks great! And you're right, it probably would be better to make it three columns instead of four so there is more space for the records.

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Yes, go ahead! :)

I've added the record at the background per the screenshot above but I'm not feeling so hot about it anymore 😂 You can take a look and see if you like it, otherwise, we can just remove it 😄