
Add Dutch Translations

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments

GitTrends provides i18n using RESX.

More information on using RESX with Xamarin.Forms can be found here:

All of the .resx files can be found in the GitTrends.Mobile.Common.Constants folder:


I doubt if many of the Dutch speaking devs using GitHub would prefer / value a Dutch translation? In my experience, Dutch devs don't mind - or even prefer - to use software in English.

It is just annoying when you need to google stuff and you have to guess what the English term in your Dutch software was (cough Windows).


It may be different for other cultures. The Dutch are very English minded.

Thanks Vincent!

I'll leave the issue open for sake of posterity, but I'll remove it from the v1.2.0 Milestone.

While I understand Vincent's sentiment, I don't see why we shouldn't provide the users with a choice. I'm willing and able to take this one!

Sounds good, Gerald ๐Ÿ‘

Iโ€™ll also add a language picker to the Settings page to allow users to select a language other than the default.

I think AppStoreRatingRequestConstants.resx is missing from the above list, right?

Good catch - I'll add it to the ToDo list now ๐Ÿ™Œ