
Update Ukrainian Translations for v2.0

brminnick opened this issue · 1 comments


  • All work done on Release-v2.0 Branch

  • AboutPageConstants

    • Create
    • Add About
  • EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal

    • Add Congratulations
    • Add ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1
    • Add ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2
    • Add ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3
    • Add FirstStar
    • Add NoStarsYet
  • ThemeConstants

    • Create
    • Add Light
    • Add Dark
  • TrendsChartTitleConstants

    • Add YouGotThis
    • Add KeepItUp

Competion Critera

  • Verify Unit Tests in ResxTests.cs
  • Ensure uk no longer appears in ConfirmCulturesExists tests
  • Ensure uk no longer appears in ConfirmTranslationsAreComplete tests

Current Unit Test Output

  Missing Data Found
  Expected: <empty>
  But was:  < <bs
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
>, <de
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
>, <es
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
>, <fr
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
>, <nl
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
>, <pt
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
>, <ru
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
>, <uk
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ Congratulations : Congratulations! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription2 : Invite the community to check out your great work! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription3 : Share updates with friends and get your first star! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ ZeroStarsEmptyDataViewDescription1 : No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ FirstStar : You've earned your first star ]
	EmptyDataViewConstantsInternal [ NoStarsYet : No Stars Yet ]
> >

from @virsanna:

- About -> Про нас
- Congratulations! -> Вітаємо!
- Invite the community to check out your great work! -> Запросіть товариство оцінити вашу роботу!
- Share updates with friends and get your first star! -> Поширте оновлення для друзів і отримайте свою першу зірку!
- No worries! Keep up the good work and the stars come! -> Не переживайте! Продовжуйте - і зірки з'являться!
- You’ve earned your first star -> Ви отримали свою першу зірку
- No Stars Yet -> Зірок поки що немає
- You got this! -> Ви це зробили!
- Keep it up! -> Так тримати!
 - Light -> Світла тема
 - Dark -> Темна тема