
create any entities on Terra and using fiss

Closed this issue · 1 comments


We have a need to create pairs of sample_sets.

First is seems that fiss does not allow the upload of other entities than the default ones. so: sample_set_pairs can't be created but we can make them using the Terra website.

APIException: Sample_group import failed.: (400) : {
  "causes": [],
  "message": "ErrorReport(FireCloud,Unknown firecloud model entity type: sample_pair_set,Some(400 Bad Request),List(),List(),None)",
  "source": "FireCloud",
  "stackTrace": [],
  "statusCode": 400,
APIException: Sample_group import failed.: (400) : {
  "causes": [],
  "message": "ErrorReport(FireCloud,Unknown firecloud model entity type: sample_group,Some(400 Bad Request),List(),List(),None)",
  "source": "FireCloud",
  "stackTrace": [],
  "statusCode": 400,

when using firecloud.api.upload_entities()

Is there a way to make these entity that I haven't figured out or is this a feature request?

the docstring for upload_entities() is:

Upload entities from tab-delimited string.

        namespace (str): project to which workspace belongs
        workspace (str): Workspace name
        entity_data (str): TSV string describing entites
        model (str): Data Model type. "firecloud" (default) or "flexible"


simply set model="flexible" in your call in order to use custom entities.