
Create new category for software related/technical blogposts

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The blog currently has two categories, Announcements and Posts, it was proposed to includes a third category for blog posts regarding software challenges and other interesting software related posts.

Initially, this was brought up in response to the slowness of the browser after an aggressive web crawler for the Petal Search Engine caused slowdowns, the suggestion was to create a blog post describing what happened to cause the slow down, and how it was resolved.

Further, the location in which the categories are displayed that allows for filtering of the feed based on category is currently in a location that's not immediately obvious. If additional categories/labels are created, move the location of these category buttons.

Related to this, it was proposed to create a blog post discussing what happened with the Petal Bot crawler, and how the issue was resolved, as it may be helpful to other public scientific resources.

The browser team has mixed opinions on whether or not a post about Petal Bot is interesting enough to create a post about, suggesting that once the underlying problem that Petal Bot exposed is solved (certain GraphQL queries responding slowly and the overall API slowing down when receiving many of these queries), a blog post is created about that instead.