
ValidateSamFile wrong NM tag computation

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report

Affected tool(s)

picard ValidateSameFile

Affected version(s)

  • Latest public release version [3.1.1]
  • Latest development/master branch (not tested)


Calling picard ValidateSamFile with a reference sometimes produces ERROR:INVALID_TAG_NM even though the read alignment on the reference and CIGAR code match.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download and decompress the reference sequence
curl -o chr22.fasta.gz
gunzip chr22.fasta.gz
  1. Create the file test.sam containing the following lines
@HD	VN:1.6	SO:unknown
@SQ	SN:22	LN:51304566	AN:chromosome22,chr22,chromosome_22,chr_22
r00000000001	16	22	42063771	33	55M2D95M	*	0	0	CTTCTAGTGTTCCTCGCTACCCTGCAATTTTAGCATGACCATTTATTTATTTATGTTTGTTTGTTTATTTATTTATTTATGACTACAAAGATCCAGAAGACAAACATGACCATTTCTTTCTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTCTGAGATGGAGTCTT	!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!	RG:Z:S_1_1	NM:i:2
r00000000002	16	22	50364657	33	121M29X	*	0	0	GTGACAGGGGAGGAGTCTGGAGCTGAGAGGCGAACGGAGAGCACAGTGGAGCACACGGGCCCTGCCCACCCGCCTGTCCTGTCCAAGGATGCTGGGGCCCCGACCAGCCGGTCACAGGCGCNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN	!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!	RG:Z:S_1_1	NM:i:29
  1. Validate the sam file with Picard
java -jar picard.jar ValidateSamFile -I test.sam -R chr22.fasta

Expected behavior

The validation should succeed. The first read alignment and its CIGAR correspond. The second read perfectly matches the reference, but the final 29 'N's should be considered mismatches according to the NM specification given in "Sequence Alignment/Map Optional Fields Specification" (see at the bottom of p.3).

Actual behavior

Picard produces the following INVALID_TAG_NM errors:

ERROR::INVALID_TAG_NM:Record 1, Read name r00000000001, NM tag (nucleotide differences) in file [2] does not match reality [3]
ERROR::INVALID_TAG_NM:Record 2, Read name r00000000002, NM tag (nucleotide differences) in file [29] does not match reality [0]

The tool calls SequenceUtil.calculateSamNmTag() in HTSJDK to calculate the "expected" NM tag. That method internally calls a helper method SequenceUtil.countMismatches() with the matchAmbiguousRef argument set false. The matchAmbiguousRef toggle controls whether to do strict base matching, or match subsets of possible bases in the case of ambiguity codes, with N defined as an ambiguity code that matches any base.

It seems to me that this matchAmbiguousRef toggle in SequenceUtil.countMismatches() might be what we need here. We could expose it as an additional argument in a new overload of SequenceUtil.calculateSamNmTag() (and possibly as an argument to the ValidateSamFile tool itself).

Note that although the SAM spec does state that "ambiguity codes in both sequence and reference that match each other, such as ‘N’ in both, or compatible codes such as ‘A’ and ‘R’, are still counted as mismatches", the spec also acknowledges that "historically this has been ill-defined and both data and tools exist that disagree with this definition."

The problem seems to be that if both the reference and read base is N, no matter what matchAmbiguousRef is set to, htsjdk will accept this as a match. It obviously should if matchAmbiguousRef is set to true, but the default is false and the code jumps here:
where a simple equality check is performed, resulting in a match.

One potential idea (in case this is really the issue) might be to add something like (but without the N) to only allow certain bases with matchAmbiguousRef set to false.

This was exactly the issue and I thought I had a fix for it, only to discover @michaelgatzen already has something in place from a while back: samtools/htsjdk#1536
Opinions @droazen @lbergelson ?