wdltool doesn't throw error if input isn't defined
Closed this issue · 4 comments
In the following WDL, GSEA_v_1_0_fwer_p_val_threshold was not declared as an input, but the validator didn't raise an error. Cromwell choked when trying to run the task.
Is there a reason wdltool shouldn't throw an error here?
task tool_gsea_mrnaseq_subtypes {
String outputprefix
String pheno_from_aggregate_molecular_subtype_clusters
String pheno_name
File tcga_pheno_FileName
File tcga_exp_FileName
File gs_db
String GSEA_v_1_0_reshuffling_type
String GSEA_v_1_0_nperm
String GSEA_v_1_0_weighted_score_type
String GSEA_v_1_0_nom_p_val_threshold
String GSEA_v_1_0_topgs
String GSEA_v_1_0_adjust_FDR_q_val
String GSEA_v_1_0_gs_size_threshold_min
String GSEA_v_1_0_gs_size_threshold_max
String GSEA_v_1_0_reverse_sign
String GSEA_v_1_0_perm_type
command {
/R/RunR.sh -f main /src/Pathway_GSEA.R --libdir/src --disease_type${outputprefix} --pheno.from.Aggregate_Molecular_Subtype_Clusters${pheno_from_aggregate_molecular_subtype_clusters} --pheno.name${pheno_name} --tcga.pheno.FileName${tcga_pheno_FileName} --tcga.exp.FileName${tcga_exp_FileName} --gs.db${gs_db} --GSEA.v.1.0.reshuffling.type${GSEA_v_1_0_reshuffling_type} --GSEA.v.1.0.nperm${GSEA_v_1_0_nperm} --GSEA.v.1.0.weighted.score.type${GSEA_v_1_0_weighted_score_type} --GSEA.v.1.0.nom.p.val.threshold${GSEA_v_1_0_nom_p_val_threshold} --GSEA.v.1.0.fwer.p.val.threshold${GSEA_v_1_0_fwer_p_val_threshold} --GSEA.v.1.0.fdr.q.val.threshold${GSEA_v_1_0_fdr_q_val_threshold} --GSEA.v.1.0.topgs${GSEA_v_1_0_topgs} --GSEA.v.1.0.adjust.FDR.q.val${GSEA_v_1_0_adjust_FDR_q_val} --GSEA.v.1.0.gs.size.threshold.min${GSEA_v_1_0_gs_size_threshold_min} --GSEA.v.1.0.gs.size.threshold.max${GSEA_v_1_0_gs_size_threshold_max} --GSEA.v.1.0.reverse.sign${GSEA_v_1_0_reverse_sign} --GSEA.v.1.0.perm.type${GSEA_v_1_0_perm_type}
zip -r ${outputprefix}.pathway_gsea_mrnaseq_subtypes.zip .
output {
File zip_results="${outputprefix}.pathway_gsea_mrnaseq_subtypes.zip"
runtime {
docker : "broadgdac/tool_gsea_mrnaseq_subtypes:22"
meta {
author : "Juok Cho"
email : "jcho@broadinstitute.org"
workflow tool_gsea_mrnaseq_subtypes_workflow {
call tool_gsea_mrnaseq_subtypes
When talking to @knoblett she said that this appears to be something which previously was resolved - perhaps there's been a regression, or it's slightly different somehow
I also observed something similar.
One of my tasks was failing because I had an input designated as an input in the call, and in the task, but it actually wasn't an input for the workflow nor in the json. I feel like validate or some error handling should have caught that? Instead it just didn't make it through JES and said it 'failed to localize inputs'. But Brad pointed out that I think I used swagger to validate not wdltools, so this could be entirely my fault, as he said those may not be in sync / up to date wise? I wasn't aware.
Anyways here was my situation in case it's at all helpful, the missing var is File gender_mask_bed:
workflow GenomeStripBamWorkflow {
String sample_name
String bam_name
String analysis_directory
File bam
File ref_fasta
File ref_fasta_index
File ref_dict
File ref_genome_sizes
File ploidy_map
File copy_number_mask
File copy_number_mask_index
File read_depth_mask
File ref_profile
File genome_mask
File genome_mask_index
File configs
##This is the call that had the issue, there are some before it that it depends on,
##but not for the missing input (gender_mask_bed)
call CallSampleGender as CallSampleGender {
analysis_directory = analysis_directory,
ref_fasta = ref_fasta,
ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index,
ref_dict = ref_dict,
genome_mask = genome_mask,
genome_mask_index = genome_mask_index,
ploidy_map = ploidy_map,
header_bam = ExtractBamSubset.header_bam,
header_bam_index = IndexHeaders.header_index,
gender_mask_bed = gender_mask_bed,
read_count_index = Index.read_count_index
And here's the task, which does have the missing variable File gender_mask_bed
task CallSampleGender {
String analysis_directory
File ref_fasta
File ref_fasta_index
File ref_dict
File genome_mask
File genome_mask_index
File ploidy_map
File header_bam
File header_bam_index
File gender_mask_bed
File read_count_index
command {
mkdir ${analysis_directory}
java -Xmx4000m \
-classpath /usr/gitc/svtoolkit2.00/lib/SVToolkit.jar:/usr/gitc/svtoolkit2.00/lib/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
org.broadinstitute.sv.apps.CallSampleGender \
-R ${ref_fasta} \
-genomeMaskFile ${genome_mask} \
-ploidyMapFile ${ploidy_map} \
-md ${analysis_directory} \
-I ${header_bam} \
-bedFile ${gender_mask_bed} \
-O sample_gender.report.txt
runtime {
docker: "kbergin/kbergin_test"
memory: "4 GB"
File sample_gender_report = "sample_gender.report.txt"
In running a highlight command today, I noticed that the wdltool caught an undeclared input error. Has this bug been fixed, or is wdltool still not picking up undeclared inputs within tasks only? (my example is missing a declared input in the workflow's call to the task, due to a typo.)
I am using the Cromwell 0.18 release and wdltool 0.1 release.
Issue moved to broadinstitute/cromwell #2874 via ZenHub