
Allow all gateways for certain backends

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Is there easy way to allow all gateways to passthrough to certain hosts/backends ?

At this moment, there is not. If I remember correctly, it starts the UDP sockets on start of the multiplexer service thus in the current architecture it needs to know the Gateway IDs from the start.

Hi @brocaar,
Thank you for your quick response sorry to hear that its currently not possible any idea if this will be implemented in the future ?

I think this requirement would change the architecture of this tool / require a rewrite. E.g. rather than creating the multiplexed gateway socket on start, it would require to create the socket once data from the gateway is received as the Gateway IDs are only known once the actual gateway sends data to the multiplexer. Probably it should also cleanup the sockets of inactive gateways.

Rewriting this tool to match this requirement is not a mega project (it is quite a simple tool), but this is not something that I have on my backlog right now.