A Java JDBC client example that uses the Dremio inbound impersonation capability
a. Sign into your Dremio Enterprise coordinator node as an administrator.
b. Click on the "New Query" button to bring up a new query editor.
c. Run the ALTER SYSTEM command that updates the "exec.impersonation.inbound_policies" support key. Use the format:
ALTER SYSTEM SET "exec.impersonation.inbound_policies"='[
target_principals: {
target_principals: {
Where the proxy user proxy-user-1 can submit Dremio queries for the real users target-user-1 and target-user-2. And where the proxy user proxy-user-2 can submit Dremio queries for the real users target-user-2, target-user-3, and target-user-4.
You can also specify groups in the principals settings, like this:
ALTER SYSTEM SET "exec.impersonation.inbound_policies"='[
target_principals: {
target_principals: {
d. Verify that the command ran correctly. Use the command:
-- Verify the ALTER SYSTEM command
SELECT name, string_val
FROM sys.options
WHERE name = 'exec.impersonation.inbound_policies'
a. In the Dremio Web UI, click on the "Add Sample Source" button.
b. Click on the new Samples link under the "Data Lakes" sources.
c. Click on the samples.dremio.com folder and then hover over the NYC-taxi-trips "Actions" column.
d. Click on the "Format folder" icon and then click on the Save button.
$ git clone https://github.com/gregpalmr/dremio-jdbc-impersonation-example
$ cd dremio-jdbc-impersonation-example/src
If you don't have the git command line tool, you can download the git repo in ZIP file format.
Download the Dremio JDBC driver from httpd://dremio.com/drivers and place it in this directory
Compile the java source file with the command:
$ javac DremioJdbcImpersonationExample.java
Notice that the JDBC connection string includes the impersonation_target
property that specifies a user that is different from the connection user specified in the userId variable.
Set the class path with the command:
$ export CLASSPATH="./dremio-jdbc-driver-*.jar:."
$ java DremioJdbcImpersonationExample <dremio coordinator ip addr> <dremio proxy user id> <dremio proxy user password> <target user id>"
Where is the user that you are connecting to the Dremio server as, and is the user that you want to run the Dremio query as.
for example:
$ java DremioJdbcImpersonationExample dremiouser1 dremiopassword dremiouser2"
Pickup Datetime Pass Count Trip Dist Mi Fair Amount
2014-08-07 07:26:00.0 1 0.44 5.5
2014-08-07 07:23:00.0 1 1.12 9.5
2014-08-07 07:06:00.0 1 7.54 28.5
2014-08-07 07:23:00.0 1 3.3 11.5
2014-08-07 07:27:00.0 5 1.22 6.5
2014-08-07 07:15:00.0 1 9.89 32.0
2014-08-07 07:15:00.0 1 2.01 13.5
2014-08-07 07:20:00.0 1 1.76 11.0
2014-08-07 07:31:00.0 1 1.18 7.5
2014-08-07 07:16:00.0 2 16.05 43.5
2014-08-07 07:35:00.0 1 1.03 6.5
2014-08-07 08:21:00.0 1 0.72 5.0
2014-08-07 08:15:00.0 1 1.03 7.5
2014-08-07 07:59:00.0 3 11.35 33.5
2014-08-07 08:03:00.0 1 3.23 18.0
2014-08-07 08:11:00.0 5 1.04 11.0
2014-08-07 07:37:00.0 3 0.91 8.5
2014-08-07 07:40:00.0 1 0.41 5.0
2014-08-07 07:44:00.0 6 0.49 6.5
2014-08-07 07:20:00.0 1 17.07 52.0
2014-08-07 07:40:00.0 1 1.14 6.5
2014-08-07 07:14:00.0 2 13.45 39.0
2014-08-07 07:39:00.0 1 1.46 7.5
2014-08-07 07:38:00.0 2 1.8 10.0
2014-08-07 07:38:00.0 1 4.3 15.5
a. In the Dremio Web UI, click on the Jobs link to view the job history
b. Verify that the query was run as the "impersonation_target" user and not the user specified as the connection userId.
Please direct questions or comments to greg@dremio.com