
This is a basic routing library like express.js for front end hashes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


root.js is a routing framework for client side hashes. This library should work similarly to routing in systems like express.js, however it is not guaranteed to mirror it.

The root.js library is 1.2kb minified, and 0.6kb gzipped!


There are a few simple features in the routing system:

  1. variables: Declare a segment variable with a colon like /:id/. Matching user-accessed routes will have maps with their key/value pairs.
  2. any: Declare a segment to be anything by using an asterisk like /*/. All routes that contain any segment in the position of the asterisk will match.
  3. end-any: Declare the end segment as an asterisk and it will match beyond the forward slashes to the end of the path. In this case /* will match both /books and /books/about/stuff, and capture the end segments.

Getting Started

Create a new Router instance simply with the new keyword, and add a basic path to get the weather.

var router = new Router();

router.add("/weather", () => {
    console.log(`This user is trying to access '/weather'.`);

// /weather

However in this instance we may want a user to be able to type in something like weather/Berkeley where we can capture the city name. For this we'll use a variable.

router.add("/weather/:city", (e) => {
    let { city } = e.params;
    console.log(`This user is trying to get the weather in ${city}.`);

// /weather/Berkeley
// /weather/San Francisco
// /weather/Palo Alto

If we aren't interested in capturing the video, we can also just use a * segment to match anything in a path segment.

router.add("/weather/*/:city", (e) => {
    let { city } = e.params;
    console.log(`This user is trying to get the weather in ${city}.`);

// /weather/test/Berkeley
// /weather/0813472309/San Francisco
// /weather/_/Palo Alto

You can also put a * at the end of a segment to capture the rest of the path after that segment.

// /weather/Berkeley/01012012/01012016
router.add("/weather/:city/*", (e) => {
    let { city } = e.params;
    let { endHash } = e;

    console.log(`This user is trying to get the weather in ${city}.`);
    console.log({ endHash }); // /01012012/01012016.

    // PATHS:
    // /weather/Berkeley/a => { city: "Berkeley", endHash: "/a" }
    // /weather/Berkeley/a/b/c/d/e/ => { city: "Berkeley", endHash: "/b/c/d/e" }


The root.js library supports middleware that works similarly to express.js. You can use it like below.

router.use((e, next) => {
    console.log(`PATH: "${e.hash}"`);

If you want to intercept requests before reaching their routes, do not execute the next() function. This will prevent any route from being reached.