

Opened this issue · 7 comments

These instructions only work with nvidia. When I copy those driver directories to my VM nothing is copied because those commands are for NVidia drivers.

I finally got it all set up. I installed the WSL version of the AMD driver and copied the display driver it installed. When I boot using your custom kernel, all I get is a blinking _ . I assumed I only needed the one driver. Is that incorrect?

I think it breaks because it's trying to load drivers and something isn't working because when I enable GPU-P it breaks. When I disable GPU-P, it boots fine.

Hi @dboggs95, what do you mean by disable? Did you manage to set the gpu back to your host?

scp -r C:\Windows\System32\lxss\lib VM_USERNAME@VM_IP:temp_folder
scp -r C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_* VM_USERNAME@VM_IP:temp_folder/drivers

you should try change nv_* folder to your AMD driver folder on windows. Or you can copy the whole usr/lib/wsl folder from a working WSL2 to hyper-v

remember to run the ldconfig

sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/wsl
sudo mv $HOME/temp_folder /usr/lib/wsl
sudo chmod 555 /usr/lib/wsl/lib/*
sudo chown -R root:root /usr/lib/wsl
sudo bash -c 'echo "/usr/lib/wsl/lib" > /etc/'
sudo ldconfig
sudo bash -c 'echo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/wsl/lib > /etc/profile.d/'
sudo chmod +x /etc/profile.d/

not sure AMD gpu-p will work with docker though. sorry i don't have AMD cards to test

I got it working by copying that whole /usr/lib/wsl folder over.


It does seem to crash gnome though...

don't run GUI apps in Hyper-V, it will render using Hyper-V adapter instead of your GPU-P. I think you can do Wayland XRDP, but I havent test it (because WSLg is based on Wayland XRDP). You can dig through the WSL log in /usr/wsl

I got it working by copying that whole /usr/lib/wsl folder over.


It does seem to crash gnome though...

After I restarted the system, it entered the dxgkrnl kernel and stopped flashing here, unable to start the system. How did you specifically solve this? I hope to get some help.
