
Looking for Project Maintainers

sethpollack opened this issue · 13 comments

I am looking for project maintainers to help keep airborne up to date and bug-free while avoiding feature creep and maintaining backwards compatibility.

Comment here if you would like to help out.

how many hours week?

Whatever you can do

Hello. I'd like to help out.

pamio commented

I should be able to help. Let me know!

Hiya, happy to help. Please do let me know. 😄

I wanna help .....

alt text

I am available to help (a few hours a week at most, depends on the time of the year), maybe first to sort issues (some seem related, some others could be closed perhaps) and sort/review PRs before merging them (some are already conflicting, or should be applied in a specific order, or rebased - I have a few of mine open, I will gladly leave those for later review/merge, if needed).

I would really like to see this project keep on being maintained and improving, bit by bit. Although I am not sure I can provide more long term view about it at this point.

Hello! I'd like to help. I noticed the activity on this repo has died. Is the project no longer maintained at all or do you just need more help?

We (Widen Enterprises) are still pretty active users of Airborne; if your are still in need of some maintenance assistance I'm more than happy to help out.

Happy to help out!

Happy to assist as well!

Happy to help!

Happy to help too!