
Highlight performance

Closed this issue · 3 comments


When the option g:far#highlight_match is enabled (default) the performance degrades drastically during the scrolling of the results to a point that becomes unusable. By disabling that option the scrolling becomes instantaneous.

I've recorded a video about it:

Following below info about the video:

  • Software: nvim 0.2.2
  • System: ubuntu 16.04
  • Hardware: i7-6700 / 12GB RAM
  • Source code used for the video:
  • Far searching syntax: Far Input Foo src/**/*.js

Let me know if you need any extra information.

Well, this is why I added this option (g:far#highlight_match) - to be able to turn the highlight off if a lot of results expected. I struggled with the performance quite a while and this was my best. Seems like vim (nvim) has its issues with syntax highlighting in the first place so there no that much I can do here.

If there is a guru in the area, PR is welcomed.

Scrolling performance for me was still very bad after the suggestions from #59

Doing setlocal nocursorline is what made it buttersmooth for me!

Hi @MichaelOstermann,

Would you mind to share more details about your environment and the code-base you were having performance issues ?
